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MRA Grant

By |2023-11-09T05:07:19+08:00November 8th, 2023|

Save up to 50% on Strategic Brand & Marketing Development

We are EDG Certified Consultants and have worked with companies from all walks of industries, helping them go digital with EDG Grant up to 50% + S$ 10k Skills Future Enterprise Credit!

All You Need to Know About Expanding Your Business with MRA Grant Singapore

Singapore is a competitive market for businesses. Especially for small and medium-sized SMEs, it can be challenging to compete with established service providers. Such businesses can struggle to tap into international markets to expand across borders.

However, the Market Readiness Assistance Grant provides essential support to local SMEs in Singapore to tackle the potential financial risks, empowering businesses to grow beyond geographical borders. 

So, if you’re a local SME business owner in Singapore, this post will highlight everything you need to know about the MRA grant scheme and how to apply and extract maximum benefits out of this opportunity.

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What is Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) Grant

The Market Readiness Assistance MRA grant is a scheme supported by Enterprise Singapore ESG. That’s why it’s also commonly known as the ESG MRA Grant. Local businesses and SMEs who wish to internationalize their business can benefit from this scheme and cater to their financial needs in the expansion process. 

The grant addresses the financial needs of business owners, such as:

  • Market Assessment
  • In-market Business Development Activities
  • Business Matching
  • Public Relation Activities

Eligible businesses can avail a significant percentage of their total expenses by submitting the MRA grant application. If the business meets the eligibility criteria, it can make it much easier for business owners to expand their business across borders. 

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We assure you our team will guide you from start to end like a strategic partner. We are unlike other agencies that work with volume. We will guide you throughout the entire process as well!


As a SAC-credit firm, our company enjoys more credibility and trust, which only makes your business look good to attract more confidence from the stakeholders.

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Our professionals have market access that can potentially link you to new markets, helping you expand your business with reliability.

How Much Support Does the EDG MRA Grant Provide

Depending upon the nature of the business and the requirement of funds, the EDG MRA grant can support up to 70% of the total expenses disclosed at the time of application. If a business satisfies the MRA grant eligibility criteria, it can receive substantial financial support to fast pace the expansion process. 

What are the Eligibility Criteria for the MRA Grant Singapore?

The MRA grant application process is quite strict, considering that the ESG supports up to $100,000 in financial support. Therefore, it’s critical to provide the correct and essential business details to stand a chance for the MRA grant approval. 

If you want to apply for the Market Readiness Assistance Grant, here are the eligibility criteria to be fulfilled.

  • Your business must be registered or incorporated in Singapore.
  • There must be at least 30% local shareholding for your business.
  • Your annual sales turnover must be less than $100,000 million, or your company size must be no more than 200 employees.
  • Your business should meet the new market criteria of the country where you want to expand. If the annual sales in any of the last three years exceeded $100,000, you will not be eligible for the MRA grant Singapore.

What are the Components of the MRA Grant?

There are three components of the MRA grant for your business, so it’s essential to understand what areas the MRA grant addresses. 

Firstly, you must know that the $100,000 cap for each company is divided into three main categories.

Overseas Market Promotion

The overseas market promotion component is the first of the three MRA grant components. It has a cap of $20,000 provided for businesses willing to promote their company or brand in the overseas market. 

This component focuses on creating brand awareness among potential overseas audiences. It’s recommended for B2B and B2C businesses. who want to sell their products or services in international fairs and events. 

Overseas Business Development

The Overseas Business Development component enjoys the largest share of the grant, capped at $50,000 per company. This component aims to establish a presence in the overseas market and create a network of clients or partners to establish the business foundation. 

The business development component is suited for B2B companies who want distributors, partners, franchisors, and clients who would buy their products. 

Overseas Market Setup

The third component is the Overseas Market Setup capped at $30,000 funding per company. This component is suited for businesses that want to set up a company in the target market. 

This component aims to provide full control for business owners over their businesses in any foreign region. The idea is to maintain a physical presence in the overseas market.

This is an ideal option for SMEs with a business in the target market and the owners plan to stay in the target country for longer durations. Hence, the component can cover work visa expenses and similar costs.

Topics To Be Discussed

Key Facts about the EDG Grant

Benefits of the Singapore EDG Grant

Eligibility Criteria for the EDG Grant

How To Apply for the EDG Grant

Key Facts about the MRA Grant

The Enterprise Development Grant is an initiative by Enterprise Singapore, a Government agency championing enterprise development. The EDG aims to support businesses in their efforts to innovate, transform, and expand beyond Singapore’s shores. It provides financial assistance for projects in three key areas:

  • Core capabilities
  • Innovation and productivity
  • Market access

This program is designed to incentivize businesses to invest in upgrading their capabilities, exploring new markets, and adopting innovative solutions. By doing so, the grant aims to enhance the overall competitiveness and resilience of Singaporean enterprises, enabling them to thrive in an evolving global marketplace.


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MRA Grant Singapore FAQs

The MRA grant application process is quite simplified. It involves the submission of the necessary documents. Here is how you can apply for the Market Readiness Assistance Grant. 

  • Go to the MRA Grant portal and log in via your Singpass account. You must also ensure that the applicant is a registered Corpass administrator for your company. 
  • Start a new activity and submit the essential documents and information on the portal to complete your application. 
  • It’s essential to apply only once, even though you can submit it multiple times. 
  • You can submit one application for each MRA grant activity. 

Typically, it takes eight to twelve weeks to earn a grant approval. More importantly, it’s essential to apply for the grant at least six months before starting a new project. 

Market Readiness Assistance grant has some obvious benefits. While it supports the financial structure of the business, it also brings about some other valuable benefits, such as:

  • Access to new projects in the target country
  • Expansion of the consumer base across borders
  • Access to tax incentives
  • Reduction in operational and overhead cost
  • Increased demand for products and services
  • Access to manufacturing facilities in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam
  • Access to the retail industry in Australia, Indonesia, and Malaysia


The MRA grant Singapore is an excellent option for local SMEs to expand without feeling the financial burden. The MRA grant scheme offers flexible solutions enabling local business owners to enhance their imagination and focus on a much larger audience that can become their potential buyers. 

If you own a business and are looking for solutions regarding the MRA grant, contact us, and we will guide you with an optimal solution for the application process. 

Drop us an email or Contact us to know more about our MRA Grant Services...!

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ESG Grant

By |2023-11-09T05:06:57+08:00November 7th, 2023|

Save up to 50% on Strategic Brand & Marketing Development

We are EDG Certified Consultants and have worked with companies from all walks of industries, helping them go digital with EDG Grant up to 50% + S$ 10k Skills Future Enterprise Credit!

ESG Grant - Everything Business Owners in Singapore Should Know

Owning a business in a competitive environment is a major challenge for business owners in Singapore. It’s quite a task to penetrate the market without substantial investments, especially for small and mid-sized businesses. 

This is where government initiatives like the ESG startup grant have emerged as a gamechanger, enabling businesses to prosper 

This post will highlight the essentials of the ESG EDG grant and how business owners can apply for it. Find out the eligibility criteria, application process, grant limits, and more in this article to get started with your ESG grant application to excel in your business’s technological innovation.

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What is the ESG Productivity Grant?

The ESG Productivity Grant is also known as the Productivity Solutions Grant. It is a government initiative looked after by Enterprise Singapore that promises business acceleration and upgradation through quality grants. 

The ESG grant aims to ensure local businesses that adopt equipment and technological solutions to improve business efficiency receive the deserved funding for their efforts. The ESG PSG Grant is one of the key elements responsible for the digital transformation of businesses to help them grow in a competitive and evolving market. 

Why Us?

We assure you our team will guide you from start to end like a strategic partner. We are unlike other agencies that work with volume. We will guide you throughout the entire process as well!


As a SAC-credit firm, our company enjoys more credibility and trust, which only makes your business look good to attract more confidence from the stakeholders.

Business Results Driven

With powerful business analytics tools, we make sure that your numbers are just perfect.


Our professionals have market access that can potentially link you to new markets, helping you expand your business with reliability.

What is the ESG MRA Grant?

The Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) grant is an initiative by the ESG for local SMEs. It allows them to expand beyond Singapore. This grant aims to establish the business by ensuring entry into the market. It provides funding for market entry assessment, in-market business development, business matching activities, etc., which can help a business with overseas market entry. 

What are the Eligibility Criteria for a PSG Grant?

The eligibility criteria for availing the ESG PSG grant is a multi-step process involving multiple documentation and financial requirements. It ensures that only medium and small-sized businesses having limited manpower can avail of the grant. This way, only the most deserving companies can access the grant of up to S$30,000. So, here is what you should know about the eligibility criteria: 

  • The business must be registered and operational in Singapore
  • Singapore PRs or Singapore nationals must hold at least 30% local equity in the business. Moreover, the ownership must be held by a Singapore individual. 
  • The company must not have an annual sales turnover of over S$100 million. Moreover, if the company has more than 200 employees, it cannot qualify for the ESG grant
  • The IT resources and equipment deployed by the business must be leased, subscribed to, and purchased within Singapore.
  • The applicant company must provide services or products in areas categories other than:
    • Charities
    • Religious Entities
    • Institutions of Public Characters (IPCs)
    • Government Agencies and Subsidiaries
    • Societies
    • Voluntary Welfare Organizations (VWOs)

How Much ESG Grant is Awarded to Eligible Businesses?

The ESG Productivity Solutions Grant is awarded after rigorous scrutiny. It covers up to 50% of the eligible costs for local SMEs. Eligible businesses can earn a grant award of up to S$30,000 based on their application and business goals, specifically related to digital transformation.

How Long Does it Take for the Application Approval?

All applications are processed six weeks after submitting all the documents and requirements. Based on the application, it can take up to four months for the application process. However, the ESG contacts the applicants eight to ten weeks after document submission. 

What Type of Solutions are Supported by the ESG?

While there are hundreds of business niches, the ESG aims to provide support to businesses that provide:

Sector-Specific Solutions

Sector-specific solutions are targeted at businesses operating within specific industrial sectors. These are tailored solutions that fit the criteria for sector-specific agencies, which then collaborate to align such solutions with the industry roadmaps like the Industry Transformation Maps (ITMs) and Industry Digital Plans (IDPs). These solutions solve unique business challenges, boosting productivity in niche industry sectors. 

Generic Solutions

Generic solutions can be implemented by companies operating in diverse business sectors and industries. They are tailored to enhance the efficiency of common business operations and procedures. Such solutions offer advantages to organizations, irrespective of their specific industry or sector.

Topics To Be Discussed

Key Facts about the EDG Grant

Benefits of the Singapore EDG Grant

Eligibility Criteria for the EDG Grant

How To Apply for the EDG Grant

Key Facts about the MRA Grant

The Enterprise Development Grant is an initiative by Enterprise Singapore, a Government agency championing enterprise development. The EDG aims to support businesses in their efforts to innovate, transform, and expand beyond Singapore’s shores. It provides financial assistance for projects in three key areas:

  • Core capabilities
  • Innovation and productivity
  • Market access

This program is designed to incentivize businesses to invest in upgrading their capabilities, exploring new markets, and adopting innovative solutions. By doing so, the grant aims to enhance the overall competitiveness and resilience of Singaporean enterprises, enabling them to thrive in an evolving global marketplace.


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How Does the ESG Grant Help Business Finances?

Thanks to the PSG program, there is 50% financial support for eligible businesses capped at S$30,000. It can boost the finances of any business and help them pay any debts or start operational and technological acceleration. Simply put, it supports businesses in bypassing budget constraints that often prevent them from taking productive initiatives.

Can ESG PSG Grant Boost Business Productivity?

Yes, the ESG Singapore Grant motivates businesses to improve their technological and operational processes by adopting automated and simpler ways to complete various business tasks. Enterprise Singapore prefers businesses that aim to streamline, optimize, and automate manual tasks, allowing business owners to spend more time on productive ideas. Such initiatives reduce operational costs and boost efficiency, enabling businesses to stay ahead in a competitive environment. 

Will ESG Singapore Grant Help Beat My Competitors?

When you leverage the technological aspects of your business, you boost your efficiency and improve your capabilities of serving your customers. Integrating digital solutions can improve your business agility and responsiveness to clients, which means more customers for your business. Eventually, it improves your standing in the marketplace, allowing you to serve more customers and get a competitive edge over your peers. 

What are the Documentation Requirements for an ESG Grant?

The following documentation is required for the ESG grant application.

  • Proposal
  • Report
  • Grant Quotation
  • Financial statements for the previous two to three years
  • Company’s revenue forecast, potential headcount, and wages.


Getting the ESG Singapore grant is a great way for businesses to improve their technological and operational processes. However, the process can be slightly confusing for new business owners. Moreover, as business owners are already occupied with jobs to improve their business, it’s a good idea to seek professional help filing the ESG grant application. 

If you own a business or startup and are looking to apply for the ESG grant Singapore, contact us, and we will take you through the entire application process, making it easier to earn your deserving business grant.  

Drop us an email or Contact us to know more about our ESG Grant Services...!

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